After series of warning from the school management to all ND2(final year students)not to sign out or undergo any rally after so many commotion during MASSCOM department rally last week Wednesday .
The news we got this afternoon revealed that one of the final year OND2 student of Moshood Abiola polytechnic ,Abeokuta marketing department have been announce dead this afternoon during the sign out rally from the school to panseke . The death was 1hour after his final year paper at iyana oluwo(which is 16minutes walk from the school).
The rally got scattered due to the gun shot been heard by co course mates ,after several minutes which the Nigerian mobile police intervene and his pocket was searched thoroughly which a yellow wooly scarf was found in his bag round his neck .
We all plead to all students which are still on there final year exam (irrespective of your department)please we advise you all to go home straight after exam ,if you are to undergo any signing get to your hostel .
RIP to him !God in his infinite mercy will shower happiness to the deceased family !!
Deceased information
Name**Abdul rasheed aka lalalastica,nigga
Department ** marketing (OND2)PART TIME
We apologise for the bad picture quality, that what we can get from the scene !!!
Shun cultism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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