Moshood Abiola Polytechnic is a reputable school which has been known for its strict academic conduct and affairs, it's no institution for dullards and sluggish people; below are the things aspirants must know before applying for our school post UTME:
¤ We either queue or hustle to get things done in MAPOLY; if you are the "Forming or POSH" type, you are not advised to come to our school because if you do so...... you are on a long thing!!!
¤ If you know you are the type who gets sick often, don't even dare because you might not be able to withstand the stress in the School. The school is strictly meant for the vibrant and vigorous individuals..... the management doesn't mourn the death of any students, slid you die along the line; only your colleagues will be sorry for the loss.
¤ FINANCIAL POWER: make sure you have a strong and reliable sponsor before deciding to come to MAPOLY or else you'll drop out along the line. "Many were called, many were chosen but not many would graduate", that's just how we roll in MAPOLY. Lecturers impose hand outs, School mandate School fees and other sundry payments while the departments mandates the departmental dues.
These are the most important features an applicant must possess before sitting for the school entrance exam. 'Fore warned is fore harmed'.
However, coming to MAPOLY has its good side; we have a lot of club houses, you can party as much as you like as long as you have money. For the males, we have a lot of CHICKS in our school **wink**.
For more info, whatsapp me@ 08035936223
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